Currently, my 55 gallon aquarium has the following:
- 3 new Denison barbs, about 2″ long
- 1 old Denison barb, about 4″ long
- 2 Plecostumus – I rarely see them, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen both at the same time since adding them to the tank. When I do see one, it is about 3″ long.
- 3 black tetras
- 1 Phantom tetra
- 4 Siamese algae eaters
A few fish have died over the past couple years, and the only new additions since my last stocking post was the addition of the Pleco’s.
The amazon sword plant I have is flourishing. Can’t say that about the 3 other kinds of plants that I have, although they aren’t dying… just growing very slowly. I mean very very slowly 🙂
I want to make some changes to the lighting. The 4′ flourescent tube has quit – and I would like to replace it with some LED lighting. The lighting needs to be string enough for the plants however – which can make them very expensive. Debating whether I should just make my own using some outdoor LED floodlights.