After a tragic loss of all but 2 fish in my aquarium, I took it as an opportunity to try something a little different.
The 2 survivors are my stealthy Bristlenose Pleco’s.
The new occupants:
- 9 Rummy-nose tetras
- 6 Discus
- 3 Botia dario loaches
Added a very large piece of driftwood to the tank, and also added a new LED light – MicMol 36″-48″ Planted tank lamp, with scheduling. The lamp is very nice – but is a pain to program. Just have to be patient 🙂
I have been finding snails to be a challenge to control, which was one of the reasons for adding the loaches. Unfortunately, they don’t seem all that interested!
I’ve been reducing the amount and frequency of feeding the fish, although the discus I bought are young and growing! One seems to be a runt.