Category Archives: Misc.

Anything that doesn’t fit into the other categories :^)

New Garden


Decided to try a bit of gardening this year – and my son Davis and I built 3 raised garden beds, each 3′ x 5′, from cedar 2×6’s.  We also got some large planter pots, 3 of them, that are about 2′ in diameter, and a couple feet tall.
This past weekend we picked up the soil, and Davis and I filled up the garden beds.  Then Tracey and I decided on vegetables.  Here’s what we’ve planted, mostly from seed:

  • Zucchini (green and gold varieties)
  • Radishes
  • Cucumbers
  • Butter lettuce
  • Kale (planted some seed, and also 2 plants from the garden center)
  • Carrots (a multi-color variety)
  • Green onions
  • Jalapeño pepper
  • Red Chili pepper
  • Sweet Bell pepper
  • Tomatoes (in one of the planter pots)

While at the garden center, we also picked up some flowers and herbs that we’ve planted in large planter pots.  The herbs are in a big pot by the pizza oven which should be handy 🙂
Now we just have to remember to water and weed everything!

Big changes in Alberta

The New Democrat Party of Alberta has been voted into power with a significant majority. After 44 years in power, the Progress Conservatives are now the 3rd, with only 12 – er, 11 seats (Jim Prentice quit the party, and despite being elected in his riding, quit that too).  The Wild Rose party is the official opposition, winning 21 seats.

Hopefully this means positive change for the majority of Albertans, and not just corporations.  Hopefully we’ll see real improvements to the quality of health care in our province, and real progress in getting out of the boom/bust cycle of the oil industry, and diversifying our provincial economy.
The New Democrats have been given a great opportunity, and a big challenge by Albertans – they have the opportunity to prove that we can be prosperous and fair to all, and  demonstrate to the rest of Canada that there are choices…

Gone to the dark side ;)

My old workstation finally gave up the ghost – after almost 6 years of service.  A friend loaned me a machine to use for a while until I got around to getting a new system.
I’ve used every version of Windows since 3.1 – and after working on my in-laws new laptop with Windows 8, I decided that Windows 7 would be the last version of Windows that i would own.  I’ve used a few different distress of Linux, but for the new computer I decided to buy a Mac.  A 27″ iMac. Having never spent any amount of time on a Mac, it should be interesting getting used to!