Tag Archives: coffee


I finally picked up an Aerobie Aeropress coffee maker today from St. City Roasters.
aeropress_setupI’ve been wanting something to make a single cup of coffee for a while… I’m finding that with the heat lately, I haven’t always been finishing the coffee I make in the morning… and it doesn’t feel right dumping coffee down the drain.

Anyway, I tried it out this evening for the first time… putting a couple spoonfuls of fresh ground Organic Timor Maubesse beans into the coffee maker. I boiled up some water, then waited a couple minutes for the temperature to drop down a bit. Poured a little in to moisten the grounds as recommended, then poured in the rest and gave it the 10 second stir before putting in the plunger and pressing out a mug full of coffee.

The results were VERY pleasing 🙂 It was an excellent cup of coffee, and unlike my normal coffee from my Starbucks Grande Barista coffee maker, there was no coffee silt at the bottom of the mug. The coffee was very rich in flavour, no bitterness whatsoever. Absolutely delicious !
I ended up picking up another one for the office… and there will likely be more than one purchased as Christmas gifts for a few relatives that I know enjoy a good cup of coffee. Will also be awesome when away camping or fishing!

The Search for Coffee Nirvana

Well, just in case anyone is wondering why the heck is this guy posting coffee stuff… my enjoyment of coffee has been rekindled. I finally got totally pissed off at the lukewarm toiletwater that our old Braun coffee maker was producing. So, after some fairly extensive searching on Google, I found coffeegeek.com. I was looking for a replacement coffee maker that would meet 3 requirements:

  • 10+ cups
  • Thermal carafe
  • Proper brewing temperature

Starbucks_Barista_Aroma_Grande_Thermal_CoffeemakerI found a number of posts about the Starbucks coffee makers on coffeegeek.com, and a couple other review sites. No really adverse opinions, and in general, a good solid machine that met the three requirements, and I could actually go to a store and see one. So, popped into a Starbucks and they happened to have a deal on a Barista Aroma Grande coffeemaker.
pc-grinderI’ve known that freshly ground coffee was the best, and learnt that those little blade grinders are not the ideal – and discovered a great deal at Superstore for a little ceramic burr grinder for only $30. Picked it up and went by St. City Roasters for some more beans to test out the new little grinder.
After a month or so, I’ve put about 5lbs of coffee through the grinder and coffeemaker, and have been very pleased pot after pot. I had to pick up a Thermos to empty the carafe into in the morning, so that I could enjoy the coffee at work instead of wasting anything from my morning pot.