The pizza oven has been sitting dormant since end of September. We’ve only had one really good snowfall so far this winter, and it’s been incredibly mild so far.
Tracey was feeling exhausted with the frequency of having people over since I completed construction of the oven, but I figured we were past due for some wood-fired oven pizza, so this past weekend I fired it up just for us 🙂 Used 4 good sized pieces of split birch to start things off, and added just a couple more pieces of birch and along with a couple small branches of seasoned applewood, and in less than an hour, the oven floor was approaching 700*F. The first couple pizzas were finished cooking in under 2 minutes!
Continue reading Winter Pizza
Tag Archives: pizza oven
The Roof is Done
Well, surprisingly, it was a lot more difficult to find the corrugated steel that I had initially planned on using as a roof material.
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A roof for the pizza oven
This past weekend I started to build a roof for the pizza oven. I was debating whether to use pressure treated lumber or cedar when Home Depot made up my mind for me putting cedar on sale (15% off) – making it the less expensive option.
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Prime Rib in the Wood-fired Oven
For my sons birthday dinner (14!), we had lots of family over, and I decided to try doing a roast in our new pizza oven. I stopped in at Acme Meat Market, and received some great help in selecting a roast. Ended up coming home with a 5 bone Prime rib, weighing in at just over 11 lbs.
First Pizza's from the new oven
Had some friends last night – the ones that helped me build the foundation/base of the oven – and we fired the oven up and made the first pizza’s! We also had some tasty bourbon and beers 🙂
Continue reading First Pizza's from the new oven