Last year my son decided he wanted an aquarium, so we bought a 30 gallon setup on Kijiji. I helped him set it up – and unfortunately, he insisted on having it in his room – and after a couple months it became neglected, half full of water, and dark green with algae.
So one evening a month or so ago, we moved it downstairs and into the living room – where it gets a bit more attention, and the fish get fed. 🙂  A few more dollars have been spent on better lighting, and a better substrate for plants.
He had 6 catfish already – 4 different kinds of Cory’s (2 panda’s, 2 peppered, 1 albino, and 1 leopard), and we added 9 fancy guppies (3 male red metal delta tails, and 6 females – not sure what kind they all are) to the mix. Â There are now 5 or 6 additional guppies as well. We’ll probably add a school of neon or cardinal tetras – I’ve read that they like softer water, so I think they would do well.
Trying to get some really good plant growth happening in the tank – but I’m not sure that our softened water is all that conducive to lush plant growth. Â I’ll just keep trying different plants until we get a combination that works!
The tank is currently filtered using an in tank model – but I think that will get replaced in the near future with an external canister model – something that will get a little more flow.