Category Archives: Jeep

Anything related to my JK or Cherokee Trailhawk

Staun Tyre Deflators

Staun Tyre DeflatorsPicked up a set of these Staun Tyre Deflators  –  and looking forward to getting them all set up, and using them for the first time!.  They feel pretty heavy duty – and seem pretty straightforward to set up.  Here are the instructions from the package – more or less ;^)
1. deflate a spare tire to your preferred deflation pressure.
2. with lock ring and adjusting cap wound down, screw your Staun Tyre Deflator onto the valve stem making sure it’s clean and threads are in good condition.
3. Loosen cap (anticlockwise) until deflator pops open, then immediately tighten cap to the position where air stops exhausting.
4. Turn lock ring up to adjusting cap and tighten.
Now that the deflator is set to the preferred deflation pressure, adjustments can be made if necessary at the rate of 3 psi per half turn of the adjusting cap.
If the tire pressure, and the deflator setting is within 8 psi of one another, a manual start of the deflator may be needed. Just pull the center pin up to start things up. Keep the deflators clean and dry, and do not interchange components (I wonder why?).
After tires have been deflated, remove the deflators. Don’t wheel with them on!

More winter wheeling!

The Jeep is packed, the rear tow hook on – all set for the morning. We’re off to a spot an hour or so west of the city, near the town of Darwell. I have the video camera ready, as well as the digital camera. Hopefully can get the wife and kids moving early enough!
[UPDATE]  Well, what a blast again!
And Tracey and the kids enjoyed themselves as well! Got a few cheers from them as we made our way up a few hills, and also a few screams, as the back end slid to the side on the way up one hill in particular.  They weren’t too comfortable with the angle we were sitting at :^)
Had to get tugged out in a couple spots – but we also got to do some tugging to help others as well – which made it all the more fun!  At the end of the day there were a few scratches – looks like they’re limited to the mirrors and the hard top though – so all is good!  Can’t wait to get out again!

Goofing around

Here are a couple wallpapers – one I found and modified a little, the other I modified more ;^)
Also, here’s a little custom icon that I put together. I use it in Google Earth to mark off-roading destinations! 🙂  

Winter wheeling!

What a great day out at the Alberta Safari Park !
Incredible weather, and was great fun discovering what my Rubicon can do…. I definitely chickened out on a few spots – the hill to the left for example (Widow’s Hill)…but hell, I don’t have 4000K on this thing yet!
I learnt quite a bit – finally had the Jeep in 4-Lo, locked front and rear, and sway bar disconnected – and about using reverse when you don’t make it to the top of a hill – instead of neutral and brakes ;^) (thanks Steve!).
Also learnt how effective using 2nd can be when trying to get up some of the hills. The only downside I experienced today was the damn batteries to my digital camera dying on me prematurely. Shan managed to get a number of shots while we were on the early trails, I might have gotten a couple more shots – and then the battery died – even after swapping in a battery that I charged up last night… oh well – next time!
( Thanks to Snow Dog Marc for these photos! )
One thing that this run has done, is change my thoughts a little on the accessories that I want for the Jeep.  I think that a winch will be a sooner rather than later acquisition – hopefully with a new front bumper, and lose the factory plastic one… Still have to keep the safari cage rack on the list in the short term though – as I think that this is going to be important for fishing this spring!

First time winter wheeling

a great day out at the Alberta Safari Park with the Jeep club.
Incredible weather, and great discovering what my Rubicon can do…. I
definitely chickened out on a few spots – the hill to the left for
example (Widow’s Hill)…but hell, I don’t have 4000K on this thing
I learnt quite a bit – finally had the Jeep in 4-Lo, locked front and
rear, and sway bar disconnected – and about using reverse when you
don’t make it to the top of a hill – instead of neutral and brakes ;^)
(thanks Steve!). And also learnt how effective using 2nd can be when
trying to get up some of the hills.
The only downside I experienced today was the damn batteries to my
digital camera dying on me prematurely. Shan managed to get a number of
shots while we were on the early trails, I might have gotten a couple
more shots – and then the battery died – even after swapping in a
battery that I charged up last night… oh well – next time!
Here some video from OilTownXJ – was a shame he busted things up early
– of a few of the folks that attempted the hill:
EJC Newbie Run – January 17, 2009One
thing that this run has done, is change my thoughts a little on the
accessories that I want for the Jeep.  I think that a winch will
be a sooner rather than later acquisition – hopefully with a new front
bumper, and lose the factory plastic one…
Still have to keep the safari cage rack on the list in the short term
though – as I think that this is important for fishing this spring!
img_2774medium img_2778mediumimg_2779medium2778-cropped
Thanks to Snow Dog Marc for these photos!